On June 5, 2024, our Italian partner – CEIPES – presented the upcoming outcomes of the project in an online seminar.

Hu-Volution aims to enhance higher education by promoting the principles of the New European Bauhaus (NEB) among professionals and workers in the habitat sector, bridging the gap between academic education and the job market. The project provides an opportunity to prepare future designers to create more beautiful, sustainable, and inclusive spaces.

As the project nears its final months, partners are conducting a series of national seminars. After an overview of the European context and the NEB as a reference framework, participants presented the educational resources developed, soon to be freely available on the project website.

These resources include 7 training modules, with 23 thematic units, practical exercises, and virtual tours. Furthermore, after completing the online course, participants can access a system of certified micro-credentials for both the entire course and individual modules.

Are you interested? Just curious? Visit our social media pages to learn more!