The HuVolution Project continues and the consortium’s organisations met at the end of October in Zvolen, Slovakia, at the city’s University (Technicka Univerzita vo Zvolen). The host organisation was in fact the department of ‘Wood Science and Technology’. 

The consortium consists of four partners from Germany, Italy Slovakia and Spain and includes two Higher Education Institutions (KIT and TUZO), a Business Association (CETEM) and a non-governmental organisation (CEIPES ETS). 

HuVolution project aims to bring European universities up to date for up/reskilling designers of the habitat sector with the necessary competences to initiate a successful transition for the New European Bauhaus (NEB) and the Society 5.0, towards a more sustainable, aesthetic, and inclusive places. For this reason, HuVolution is developing an innovative lifelong training on HE, with twofold objectives: promote the use of digital tools in high education, and boost green skills aligned with the New Bauhaus on habitat design. 

The consortium of HuVolution 5.0 project has completed activities for the second Work-package ‘Competency map and Joint Curriculum for the new Bauhaus and Society 5.0 readiness on habitat design’ and the works for the third and fourth work-package have already started.  

During the activities at this International Meeting, the partners had the fortune and pleasure to collaborate with two experts in the field, who further helped the consortium in the discussion and development of future activities. 
On the one hand, Mária Beňačková Rišková, an expert on the New European Bauhaus, part of the NEB round table from the beginning and active at local and European level in the dissemination and implementation of this programme. 
On the other, a researcher and expert in participatory processes and urban regeneration who brought her perspective on the ‘Hide Park’ project.  

The next activities related to the project will therefore concern the development of the educational content that will constitute the online course, as well as the development of the platform and the practical exercise resources contained therein.