The second work-package, “Competency map and Joint Curriculum for the new Bauhaus and Society 5.0 readiness on habitat design” was just finished by the HuVolution 5.0 project consortium. 

A comprehensive competence map and Joint Curriculum with specified learning objectives were created throughout the course of this second work package for the NEB and Society 5.0 preparedness on habitat design. This result will serve as the cornerstone of the HU-VOLUTION lifelong HE learning course. It will also assist other HE organizations in identifying the knowledge gaps that exist currently and creating future training programs with a similar focus. 

The HuVolution project seeks to modernize European universities in order to provide habitat sector designers with the skills needed to successfully lead the New European Bauhaus (NEB) and Society 5.0 toward more sustainable, aesthetically pleasing, and inclusive environments.  

The foundation of the HuVolution lifelong HE learning course will be this Joint Curriculum, which will also help other HE organizations comprehend the demands for knowledge now and create training programs with a similar goal in the future. 

In specifics, this result consists of seven distinct modules that have been approved by actors and industry professionals. Below the created modules’ titles: 

  1. Introduction to New European Bauhaus 
  1. Inclusive Design 
  1. Development of formal 
  1. Digital Design and Fabrication 
  1. Demand and user oriented design 
  1. Circular economy and reuse 
  1. Sustainable Design 

Discover more about it, read the newsletter here.